Wain Sin Chan, HongKong / UK
Banc of America Securities-Merrill Lynch
After merely 10-months of studying with JACS Institute, as someone who
had no previous experience with the Japanese language, I was surprised
at how much I had already learnt that would help me in my everyday life.
JACS's software based teaching approach is tremendously effective, and is
designed to target individuals with varied levels of experience with
Japanese. Students can also study according to a program that is
tailored for individual needs and demand, so you can say Sayonara to
your black and white Japanese text books! Thanks to Kamei-san and
Kanno-san's wealth of teaching experiences, enthusiasm, as well as
schedule flexibilities, my Japanese learning experience thus far has
been both productive and extremely enjoyable. I highly recommend JACS
Institute to all serious Japanese learners, regardless of your existing
level of experience, to continue, or indeed begin, their studies in a
fun, interactive and stimulating environment.

在過去的十個月内,從我對日語本來的一竅不通,在JACS Insitute有系統的教導下已經可以在日本裏一般的日常生活應付自如。JACS比其他日語學校優秀的地方在於他們一套自創而有效的教學軟件。 以後想學日語的朋友們也不用再依靠一般白紙黑字,苦悶而事倍功半的教本學習方式 – 因爲JACS的軟件教材可以有效的跟據各人不同的要求而去編輯一個適合你自己的教程。Kamei-san跟Kanno-san加起來多年的教學經驗,加上他們對教日語的熱誠,跟靈活和有彈性的教學時間 – 可以有信心的擔保你一個富有趣味而有效的日語學習經驗。不論你現有的日語程度如何,我也誠摯的推薦你使用JACs為你們在日本的日語教師。

Wai Sin Chan
Research Marketing (Japan)
Banc of America Securities-Merrill Lynch
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